Dear MBF Clients,
We're glad to announce that we will be remaining open during the lockdown.
The Ministry of Health confirmed that regulated health professionals, including RMT’s, will be able to operate.
To ensure the upmost health & safety of our clients and employees, we have made the following measures:
Prior to booking: A mandatory COVID-19 screening waiver must be filled in prior to booking. The form will be sent to you. Please ensure that you fill this out within 2 hours of all in-person visits.
Check-in: Upon arrival, we ask that all clients arrive no more than 5 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive early, you may wish to wait in your car or at the building lobby to reduce the number of people in the waiting area.
Waiting area: Please sanitize hands and then we will check your temperature using a non-contact infrared thermometer. The RMT will screen the client to ensure the client’s status has not changed. If immediately before and after or during the treatment, either the client or the RMT does not pass screening, the treatment will stop at any time.
Masks: All clients and employees are required to wear a mask. Please bring and wear a clean disposable or reusable mask during your entire visit. Disposable surgical masks will be provided for those in need.
Physical Distancing: Please arrive at your schedule appointment time (5 minutes prior) to avoid contact with other clients. If you arrive early, then please follow social distancing rules (6’ apart).
Treatment rooms: After every treatment, all rooms and items will be cleaned and disinfected using the “wipe-twice” method (wipe once to clean, wipe again to disinfect). We have increased the time in between sessions to allow a thorough clean up.
Linens: All linens will be washed and disinfected thoroughly after each treatment. RMT’s will be wearing a disposable gown that is to be changed after each session.
Following the above guidelines will help to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.
If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Stay safe, stay strong, stay mindful
Warm regards,
MBF Team
1200 Bay Street Suite #1200
Toronto ON M5R2A5
Voice : 647-748-2100
Text : 416-356-6434